“Fatal Frame: Maiden of Black Water” Re-Release To Be Censored

Publisher Koei Tecmo recently announced that their horror title Fatal Frame: Maiden of Black Water is scheduled for a digital release on 28 October for PS4, PS5, Xbox One, SeXbox, Nintendo Switch and Windows PC… and it will be censored on all platforms.

Maiden of Black Water is an updated version of the Wii U release in 2014. Like other games in the Fatal Frame series, players use the Camera Obscura to take pictures of haunting spirits and exorcise them from our mortal plane. Once defeated, it’s then up to you to learn how each person died.

The new version features improved visuals (shocking) and a new “Photo Mode” that allows players to create their own dioramas, and new costumes.

Unfortunately, as Koei Tecmo giveth, they also taketh away, as two optional (*cough!*) costumes, the ‘Yuri ‘Swimsuit’ and Fukaba ‘Gravure Swimsuit’ from the Japanese Wii U version have been removed despite the game already being a “Mature”-rated title. It is worth noting that these costumes were not available in the Western Wii U version.

Better times…

Here’s the official plot breakdown of Fatal Frame: Maiden of Black Water from Koei Tecmo:

Mt. Hikami was once worshiped as a sacred place where a unique religion was taught.

The water on this mountain is believed to house spirits, and there is a teaching from this region that “humans are born from water and return to it at the end of their lives.”

As a result, “people looking for death” come to this mountain and experience their last moments while they come in contact with the mountain’s water. They believe this is the proper way to end their lives.

Several peculiar rituals and customs still exist on this mountain, and many bizarre and unfortunate occurrences have supposedly taken place here.

This story takes place on Mt. Hikami, a mountain believed to be a sacred place, and revolves around Yuri Kozukata, Ren Hojo and Miu Hinasaki who act as the three protagonists whose stories are interwoven in this mysterious and dream-like tale.

If you’re interested in a physical copy of Fatal Frame: Maiden of Black Water, an Asia-English language version will be available to import from Play-Asia (here).

Source: Niche Gamer

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