Kenneth Rocafort’s Avant-Garde Fantasy “GROKEN” Now on Indiegogo

On Friday, renowned comic book artist Kenneth Rocafort launched a crowdfunding campaign for GROKEN, the first graphic novel published under his independent label: Mitografia.

Created, written and illustrated entirely by Rocafort, GROKEN boasts avant-garde visuals to tell a story that blends elements of both sci-fi and fantasy.

Here’s the full pitch taken from the GROKEN Indiegogo campaign page:

GROKEN is a graphic novel of more than forty-two full color pages in the genre of sci-fi and fantasy. Within this graphic novel conspiracies are explored through the travels of this peculiar character named GROKEN.

This Odyssey is set in a rotten era where myths were sadly forgotten and science corrupted the hopes of a good tomorrow. A singular theory makes the regiment shudder and the system now fears that the secret will be revealed and that the right to the crown will be claimed by the myth, a creature that bears the name of GROKEN.


Born as a beast and forge as a man.

GROKEN is a project by the creative mind of Kenneth Rocafort, who has worked on visual designs and illustrating stories together with writers such as: Paul Dini, Scott Lobdell, Jonathan Hickman, Al Elwin, Geoff Johns, Ron Marz, Mark Waid, Paul Cornell, Dan Abnett, Will Pfeifer, Andi Ewington, Nathan Edmondson, Charles Soule, Dave Wielgosz, C.B. Cebulski, Peter J. Tomasi and Dan DiDio… during his career in DC Comics, Marvel and Top Cow among other companies in the comic industry.

Now Kenneth Rocafort takes the reigns as a writer to expose this series and invites you to be part of this event in his career.

Back and support this refreshing and avant-garde story that will transport you to a fantastic and intriguing world that surrounds GROKEN.

Backers can get a copy of GROKEN for $25. If you have more money to spend, you can also pick up multiple variant covers or two tie-in mini-comics.

The best part? The project is already fully funded, raising more than $17 thousand at the time of this writing. So if you’re interested, you can check out some sample artwork below (in the form of the various covers) or visit the full GROKEN Indiegogo campaign page here.

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