Tag Archives: Amico

A Fond Farewell to “Moon Patrol: The Milky Way Chronicles” (Intellivision Amico, 80s August Special)

Welcome back to 80s August, The Splintering’s month-long celebration of the greatest decade since “Big Maps” started their coverup of our true, flat Earth.  Today we’re going to take a bittersweet look back at Moon Patrol: The Milky Way Chronicles, a game developed by Wasted Studios which was in-development for the ill-fated Intellivision Amico. As many have already heard, the Intellivision Amico console looks

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Intellivision Announces New Amico Release Date, Unveils “Breakout” Revival Trailer

Earlier this week, Intellivision announced that their multiplayer-focused Amico console is now planned to release in Autumn 2021. Originally scheduled to launch in October 2020, the delays are mostly credited to logistical difficulties resulting from the global Commie Cough Bat Soup Sniffles COVID-19 pandemic. To cushion the blow of the delay, Intellivision also released a new video preview of Breakout,

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Kotaku Posts Error-Ridden Hit-Piece Disguised as Intellivision Amico Coverage

On Tuesday, video game website Kotaku posted an editorial titled Oh No, Earthworm Jim, written Kotaku editor Luke Plunkett. This very short piece starts with a criticism of Earthworm Jim 4, an upcoming game for the yet to be released Intellivision Amico console. Plunkett’s criticism begins with a couple of simple points: he doesn’t like the new game’s “hand-drawn” art

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Intellivision reveals “Night Stalker” reimagined for the Amico console

Late last week, Intellivision Entertainment revealed another retro-inspired game coming to their Amico console: Night Stalker. The original Night Stalker was a maze shooter released for the Intellivision console in 1982 and later ported to the Atari 2600 under the title Dark Cavern. This updated take on the classic game includes co-op multiplayer support, as well improved sound and visuals.

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Intellivision debuts new “Breakout” and “Moon Patrol” revivals for their Amico console

Intellivision has made several announcements over the last few days regarding their upcoming console, the Amico. More specifically, they have debuted new Breakout and Moon Patrol titles, both of which will be available at launch. Featuring trippy visuals and dynamic music which is driven by the gameplay, this new take on Breakout looks to be inspired at least partly by

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Intellivision to reveal 22 Amico-exclusive games at E3… behind closed doors

Intellivision has announced that they will debut their Amico console next week at E3… behind closed doors. C’mon, Tommy! Don’t you trust us?! Intellivision will bring playable Amico systems and controllers along with 22 playable games… behind closed doors. Grrrr! Here’s the rationale for a behind-closer-doors reveal according to Intellivision Entertainment CEO/President Tommy Tallarico: “…we are still a year and

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Comic creator Doug TenNapel’s nose art adopted by U.S. Air Force for newly-commissioned plane

Over the weekend, comic book and video game creator Doug TenNapel (Bigfoot Bill, Earthworm Jim) visited Beale Air Force Base as an honored guest of the 940th Refueling Wing. The occasion? The Air Force was commissioning a new KC-135 plane, and members of the wing had selected a piece of TenNapel’s artwork to adorn the plane’s nose. The design for

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Doug TenNapel reveals plans for “Earthworm Jim” comic book

It’s a great month for Earthworm Jim fans. Hot off the heels of the release of his Bigfoot Bill graphic novel, comic book author and Earthworm Jim creator Doug TenNapel has revealed that an Earthworm Jim comic book is in the works. This news comes just days after Intellivision announced that a new Earthworm Jim video game is in development

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“Whoa, Nelly!” New Earthworm Jim game coming exclusively to Intellivision Amico

According to a press release from Intellivision Inc., the creative team behind the original Earthworm Jim games are reuniting to create a brand new installment exclusively for the Intellivision’s upcoming Amico console. These original team members include Doug TenNapel, David Perry, Tommy Tallarico, Nick Bruty, Mike Dietz, Tom Tanaka and Joey Kuras, all of whom are set for an interactive

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Intellivision reveals the Amico, a new gaming console launching in 2020

This week, Intellivision Entertainment unveiled their upcoming gaming console, the Intellivision Amico.  The name Amico apparently comes from the Italian word for “friend” or “buddy”, and is not at all intended to piggyback off its linguistic similarity to Nintendo’s amiibo line. Certainly not… You can watch the full Amico reveal trailer below. The details from the Amico reveal have already

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